Saturday, May 19, 2012

Recent Purchase

This is going to be another great month for dividends!  I took some of those dividends and combined them with my monthly cash infusion to purchase 55 more shares of linn energy:
I purchased the shares at a price of 36.50.  Oil/natural gas stocks have taken a hit recently; to me that just makes it a good time to purchase them (think CVX, COP, etc.).  I hope they stay low for a few more months so that I can get into more!

Anyway, the shares purchased will provide an additional $159 a year in dividend income, bringing my projected dividend income for the next 12 months in my taxable accounts to $20,691.12.  This number is the total dividends I would receive over the next 12 months if all of the companies I own shares in keep their dividend payouts the same as they are now.  This is more than I earned at my first somewhat real job, which I started just 10 years ago in the fall (I've moved several times since then).  Its incredible to me to think about how hard I worked at that job, and now I make more than that for doing pretty much nothing.

Have a great weekend!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

April Dividend Update

Well, another month has come and gone, so its time to take a look back at April to review my dividend income.  I must say, this was far and away my best month ever!  It would be great if I could do this every month!  Anyway, without further ado, my April dividends:

Taxable Account:
ERH - $63.30
O - $10.21
GE - $17.00
NM - $18.00
CIM - $165.00
Bank stock - $3798.00

Total in taxable account - $4,071.31

Roth IRA:
ARR - $111.00
STB - $18.50

Total in Roth IRA - $129.50

TOTAL:  $4,201.01

Wow.  The next few months won't be anywhere near as good, but I'm working on it!