Saturday, March 9, 2013

Recent Purchase, SDRL

As I alluded to in last week's post, I made another purchase for the portfolio at the end of February:

I picked up 70 shares of SDRL.  Seadrill limited is a deepwater drilling master limited partnership.  Its one I have had on my radar for quite some time.  I bought the shares at a price of $36.30.  This will add $59.50 per quarter to my dividend totals.  With this purchase, my projected dividends in my taxable accounts for the next 12 months is $22,813.90.  Awesome total; even with buying a house I still feel like I can hit my dividend goals for the year!  I guess things are still going steady almost 3 months into the year. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

February Dividend Income Update

Yet another month has passed, meaning its time to update my dividend income.  Without further ado:

Taxable Account:
ERH - $75.00
LINE - $725.00
CLMT - $450.45
AT - $12.52
O - $12.66

total from taxable account - $1,275.53

Roth IRA:
STB - $18.40
ERF - $21.57
GGN - $28.32
ARR - $88.80

total from Roth IRA - $157.09

Total Dividends for February - $1,432.62

No complaints about this month here!  This was a big month for me financially, I purchased a house that I will close on at the end of March.  I also picked up a part time job that I hope to be blogging about in the near future.  Future topics for the blog also include a purchase that I made early this week, and also a sale.  Stay tuned!